Monday, December 05, 2005

Field trip to the Outback Steakhouse!

After class last Wednesday, Mr. Lien and his crack team of lawyers went with yours truely on a field trip to the Outback Steakhouse. I'd previously mentioned Outback as a good place to go during another class, and so when Mr. Lien suggested we go out to dinner the choice of where to go was obvious. They loved the "Bloomin' Onion", and greatly enjoyed a nice Australian Steak dinner. Actually, there isn't much choice because the only steak allowed across the border into Taiwan is from New Zealand or Australia, pretty much all other steak is banned. Mr. Lien and Robert (in white and blue on the left, respectively) asked me to go out to a bar with them sometime in the future. I think they just want an excuse to their wives to go out for a night on the town. "Honey, we have to go. We need to show the foreigner the Taipei nightlife." I actually like this bunch a lot, they're all very smart (obviously) and it's amazing how fast they learn, especially Jasmine (sitting next to me), who just seems to absorb English in class almost instantly. One of my favorite classes by far.

Rob Posted by Picasa

Bowling Night!

Last Saturday Connie, her friend Monica, and myself went to California Fitness Center to sign up in an effort to defeat the coming winter blahs. Afterwards to celebrate we went out to dinner and then following a visit to a coffee shop we headed to a local Bowling Alley which was nearby and which I'd seen from the bus many times. I've wanted to go bowling since I came here, but the opportunity never presented itself until last weekend. Posted by Picasa
"If you touch my Rob....I will kill you." Connie shows off her firey latina look. Posted by Picasa
Monica (left) is Connie's old friend, and current boss. The other lovely lady is her friend Narisa who dropped by to join us for a night of fun. Posted by Picasa
Longtime friends and classmates, Monica and Connie form a lovely pair. Posted by Picasa
Monica and Connie looking cute. Posted by Picasa
Narisa gets ready to demonstrate her hidden talents! Posted by Picasa
Connie prepares to dazzle us with her skill. Actually, Connie had amazing lucky this night and rolled many spares and even a strike! Not bad for someone who hadn't bowled in a loooong time. She's a natural! Posted by Picasa
"How many of these pictures is Rob going to take?" Monica's getting tired of holding the ball. Posted by Picasa
Monica goes for the gold! Posted by Picasa
Watch me roll a strike! Posted by Picasa
Rob takes careful aim. Posted by Picasa
Rob in action! Going for that Strike! Posted by Picasa


Hey! That wasn't a strike! Posted by Picasa