Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Book Signing

Two weeks ago Connie and I attended the book signing for a an acquaintance of Connie's who goes by the english name "Forever". He was getting his book on pictures of Switzerland published. They had a big signing event on the 5th floor of a local bookstore, and the woman above was a representative of the Swiss Trade Office (is Swiss Embassy) in Taiwan. She gave a very long opening speech about coming to Switzerland to travel and visit, people were pretty much ready to fall asleep when she finally finished. Posted by Picasa

Whoa! Swiss girls are hot!

As you can see, Forever's book kept them turning pages. This poor guy is going to be in trouble later when his wife next to him gets mad because he's hogging the book! Posted by Picasa

Low power? Dammit!

David here was one of several of Forever's friends running around documenting the event. Unsurprisingly, when a photographer has a public book signing, all his photographer friends show up to take pictures of it! Posted by Picasa

I can't believe he asked me that!

While answering questions about his book, suddenly Forever found himself facing a Taiwanese who had recently returned to Taiwan after 31 years of living in Switzerland. He had a few comments about Forever's book, mostly about how Forever transliterated the Swiss into Chinese. Forever handled him well, but it was a shock to find such a knowledgeable critic in the audience. Posted by Picasa

Forever and a Rob

Here I am shaking hands with the man of the hour! Posted by Picasa

Book Signing Video!


If you have a high-speed connection click on the above link and see if you see anyone you know. ^_-
