We finished the day by visiting the Long Shan (Dragon Mountain) temple, and the accompanying night markets which surround it. The temple itself (pictured behind me in this fuzzy picture) is a wonder to see. It's huge inside, with magnificent statues, altars, beautifully sculpted carvings everywhere and etched stone walls depicting various Taoist scenes. It's a Taoist temple, not a Buddhist one, meaning it's more oriented towards what one could call local gods.
The Night Markets around this temple were filled with people and sellers selling all manner of things. Apparently they're famous for a local drink made with pigs blood, and I saw many restaurants selling special medicinal foods made with live snakes, sea creatures, and even softshelled turtles.
A disturbing and fascinating way to spend Christmas Day Eve.
After this, we went to IKEA shopping for new sofa for Connie's brother and had dinner at a Japanese restaurant before hugging and parting ways on the bus.
All around, a good day!